Wednesday, March 16, 2011

FHE can be dangerous or maybe I'm just a klutz

So I did a stupid thing Monday night at FHE. The activity was the classic iron rod blindfold obstacle course. I was wearing my new vibram fivefinger shoes ( I would put a picture of what they look like on here becaues I love them but I can't get them on at the moment) and wouldn't you know it, I managed to find the leg of a chair with one of my toes. Its been quite some time since I've jammed a knuckle and this one is a doozy. I spent the rest of the evening lying on the couch with an ice pack on it. Now I have it taped to the toe next to it and limp around everywhere I go. I still plan on going to the Trail friday and I hope they don't put me with a potential run risk. I can just see it now: the YW heading down the road with me limping behind, telling him I won't force him to stop but could he slow down so I can keep up. This will be an interesting weekend trying to hike with my pack and not being able to bend my toe without crazy pain.

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