Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why Renaissance Woman

I thought I would explain the title of my page to those who may not undestand. I guess I will start with my dad who always talked about being well rounded. It was important to him that we have many interests in a variety of areas. Simply put I agree with him, plus its fun to have so many things to learn and keep you busy. I think it is important to have a knowledge in so many areas to be able to converse with a variety of people about common interests, but its more than that for me. I feel driven to learn as much as I can in so many areas for the self-confidence it gives me in knowing that if push came to shove, I could be able to do it myself.
It has also helped having a dad who was into woodworking and doing home improvement projects all the time and a mom who was amazing at working with textiles and fiber arts. This not only shows you options of things to learn but it helps when you inherit a small portion of their talents for working with your hands.
Many of my projects revolve around primitive technology (I know its a funny phrase but it refers to anything primitive man might have had to build or had to know in order to survive in the wilderness). I have also begun learning more textile arts from a variety of weaving styles to quilting to making simple clothes. Last year I learned simple blacksmithing and welding. Some of my more time consuming projects involve making my own leather, jelly, beadwork, and tatting. I also have my photography which I have been doing for at least the last ten years. Everywhere you look in my room, I have some type of project in progress. My grandma can't believe the amount of things I do, so she was the one who called me a modern renaissance woman.

1 comment:

  1. I ABSOLUTELY agree that you are a RENAISSANCE WOMAN! In fact, that was my exact thought when I looked at the blog Brittany did that showed so many of your current "projects."


    Aunt Paula
