Sunday, October 23, 2011

Trail Birthday

For the second year in a row, I celebrated my birthday on the Trail. This year was better than last year because I had better food to eat. I spent it with T-Bird, the windwalk for the week, scouting out Final D spots along Cherry Creek. As always it was gorgeous especially because the fall colors were coming in. There were a few birthday greetings from the bands as they checked in. My favorite was when Quin from the Sinagua band began singing "happy birthday" and I could hear the rest of the band join in from the background. I was laughing and smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.

Because my birthday was on a Sunday, T-Bird and I went to Young the next day. We had to go anyway to get gas for the Ridge vehicle, so while we were there, we stopped at the little convenience store. Somehow T-Bird found a tea candle and some of those terrific animal cookies. There was a clump of them which she put the candle on and called it my "birthday cake. You can see it below. It was the most unique cake I have ever eaten and wonderfully tasty, maybe because I had been on the Trail for six days at this point.

The next day Catherine managed to bring out chocolate milk for me. Not the nestle stuff but made from Shamrock farms whole milk. Its the closest I've found to BYU Creamery chocolate milk. She froze it so it was slushy by the time it got out to me which made it taste like a milkshake. I was in heaven. I have the best friends!

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